Mute Unmute Lync SDK

Setting Mute/Unmute State on Lync through Lync SDK:


                           Conversation conv; //Once you have the conversation, set the unmute on Lync as below.

 IDictionary<ModalityTypes, Modality> modalities = conv.Modalities;
Modality mod = modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo];
bool canHold = mod.CanInvoke(ModalityAction.Hold);
//Check if we can invoke Hold on the conversation.
if (canHold)
mod.BeginSetProperty(ModalityProperty.AVModalityAudioCaptureMute, false,UnMuteOccured, null);
Mute: Mute is simple as mentioned below.
conv.SelfParticipant.BeginSetMute(true,MuteOccured, null);
private void UnMuteOccured(IAsyncResult ar){}
private void MuteOccured(IAsyncResult ar){}


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Sudheer i want to mute the microphone of all the participant excepting one in a video conferencing.i am using automation class to implement the video conferencing.
    My code is following

    automation = LyncClient.GetAutomation();
    if (automation != null)
    Dictionary conversationSettings = new Dictionary();
    AutomationModalities conversationModes = AutomationModalities.Audio;
    List participants = new List(2);

    // Make the call.
    automation.BeginStartConversation(conversationModes, participants, conversationSettings,
    StartConversationCallback, null);
    catch (LyncClientException lyncClientException)

    Please provide me a solution so i can achieve my requirement in this peace of code.
    Thank u very much.


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