
Showing posts from 2014

Find a string in number of files

To find out a string in a file from a directory (which has many files), this command should be helpful.. findstr -spin "String" *.* Here we are finding string in subdirectories, ignoring case, and in all the files(anyname.anyextension)

OcsLogger Application may not be run when Centralized Logging Service is Running.

We can get this error as the title of this post when you try running OcsLogger.exe. Resolution: 1) You can run Stop-csclslogging command in Lync Server Management Shell 2) Or just stop Lync Server Centralized Logging Service Agent from Services.msc

System going to sleep mode even after setting "Put the Compuer to Sleep is set to Never"!!

This can also happen if  "Allow hybrid sleep" is set to ON. Try changing it to OFF as shown below and try your luck!  

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client - VPN service not available. The VPN agent service is not responding

Sometime there may be a possibility that Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobile Client can crash and service will be continuously crashing if you go and see it in services.msc. I faced this issue when my laptop was shutdown forcefully and below I listed the resolution I found.. Client Version:  3.1.04049 Resolution: Open the browser you have been using. From the options, delete the complete browsing data stored.  Then I found that service was crashing but it gave me a couple of secs opportunity to enter my password to connect to my VPN. I entered my password quickly and then I was successfully able to connect to the VPN and didn't face this issue again. Stupid resolution but still it may be useful for few more people here..