
Showing posts from 2013

OS Installation getting stuck at "Completing Installation" phase

I was getting the error as mentioned in the title of the post. And leaving the installation for even 10 hours didn't fixed the issue for me. So what I did is just removed all the external monitor connections and all the USB connections once the system restarted for the first time and yes I succeeded :)

Certificate error while loading PPT in Lync 2013

If you are getting Certificate error( There was a problem verifying the certificate from the server. Please contact your support team ) while loading PPT in lync 2013, then uncheck the following Internet Setting and try again. Internet Options -> Advanced -> Security(Check for server certificate revocation) And if the above setting doesn't work then make sure the root certificate for WAC(office web apps) and Lync server is exchanged correctly.

Camera not working when we install Windows embedded 7. usbvideo.sys is missing

When we are using any Windows embedded template like Application Compatibility, there is every chance that camera may not function properly after the installation is done. Reason: 1) Drivers not getting installed properly or missing drivers. 2) Check if usbvideo.sys is available in %dir%\Windows\system32\drivers . If the driver is missing then that means you may haven't connected camera while installing the OS. Even if you have this file that doesn't mean camera will work properly. You need to have this usbvideo.sys file and we need to install proper drivers. Solution: Connect the camera when you are installing the image. This may give good result but if this is not working then follow the below procedure. 1) Install Windows Embedded 7 toolkit on a Windows 7/XP machine 2) Open Image configuration editor from All Programs -> Windows Embedded standard 7 3) Create a new answer file 4) In the new answer file, select application compatibility as default (from the...

System.ServiceModel.AddressAccessDeniedException: HTTP could not register URL http://+:8000/... Your process does not have access rights to this namespace

When you get the error as mentioned in title. Please check the below things: WCF service has to run as administrator If you want to run this service locally then we can workaround this error. For this please follow the below blog: But the catch here as the blog says, it is totally internal to the machine. External WCF clients cannot communicate with this WCF service. If you are logged in as Local user in the machine. Then run the application in elevated mode to avoid this error.  

Mute Unmute Lync SDK

Setting Mute/Unmute State on Lync through Lync SDK: UnMute:                            Conversation conv; //Once you have the conversation, set the unmute on Lync as below.   IDictionary < ModalityTypes , Modality > modalities = conv.Modalities; Modality mod = modalities[ ModalityTypes .AudioVideo]; bool canHold = mod.CanInvoke( ModalityAction .Hold); //Check if we can invoke Hold on the conversation. i f (canHold) mod.BeginSetProperty( ModalityProperty .AVModalityAudioCaptureMute, false ,UnMuteOccured, null );     Mute: Mute is simple as mentioned below.   conv.SelfParticipant.BeginSetMute( true ,MuteOccured, null );       private void UnMuteOccured( IAsyncResult ar){} private void MuteOccured( IAsyncResult ar){}