
Adding Code Coverage for ASPNET CORE projects

If you are not able to get code coverage when you run unit tests through Visual Studio for ASPNET core projects. Try following the below steps and hope that helps. 1) Add below Nuget packages to your VS test project Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk MSTest.TestAdapter MSTest.TestFramework 2) Add "DebugType" as "Full" in the ASPNET core project   <PropertyGroup> ...     <DebugType>Full</DebugType>   </PropertyGroup> 3) Add "Microsoft.CodeCoverage" Nuget package to the ASPNET core project.

Find logical Processors

1) Open a cmd prompt 2) Run this command: wmic cpu get NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors/Format:List

Convert Wma to Wav or mp3 file

WMA is a proprietary format of Microsoft. Hence even SOX tool which converts most of the formats cannot do this. ffmpeg tool for windows did the trick for me. This is an open source tool. ffmpeg.exe -i input.wma output.wav Make sure you are using the latest version else the conversion may fail. I was able to use this exe and invoked from my c# application to get the job done. This was easier than using the MediaTranscoder class in UWP for my simple requirement.

Oahu (hawaii) 7 Day Trip in Feb, 2017

Day 1:   My wife and I arrived late in the night the previous day, so our trip started in the afternoon. First place to visit was Byodo- In Temple. Lord Buddha's Statue with calm and peaceful atmosphere, this is a must visit place for people who is visiting Oahu. FYI - I do not follow Buddhism ☺️ . Then we visited Kailua Beach Park, without doubt I will rate it as my favorite beach in Oahu. As this is a beach park, this will have showers and restrooms.   Day 2:   Pearl Harbor Visitor Center - Most of the people know some history about this place and you get to know more. If you haven't heard about it then you have to visit for sure. Plenty of parking, no handbags, wallets are allowed inside the center. You can carry camera, phones, bottled water but no bag packs and handbags. In the night we went to Waikiki Beach for exploring the night life. Ate the delicious shave ice cream as well.   Day 3:   Planned to start early in t...

Find a string in number of files

To find out a string in a file from a directory (which has many files), this command should be helpful.. findstr -spin "String" *.* Here we are finding string in subdirectories, ignoring case, and in all the files(anyname.anyextension)

OcsLogger Application may not be run when Centralized Logging Service is Running.

We can get this error as the title of this post when you try running OcsLogger.exe. Resolution: 1) You can run Stop-csclslogging command in Lync Server Management Shell 2) Or just stop Lync Server Centralized Logging Service Agent from Services.msc

System going to sleep mode even after setting "Put the Compuer to Sleep is set to Never"!!

This can also happen if  "Allow hybrid sleep" is set to ON. Try changing it to OFF as shown below and try your luck!